“I really like the maturity model. I love that Stage 1 is good and Stage 4 is the next frontier – where the standard is moving. ESG Navigator does not tell you what is right or wrong.”
Companies do not have to figure this out for themselves.
Join to view ESG Navigator HandbookFor over 20 years, the ESG Navigator benchmarking platform has been shaped, vetted, tested, and refined by over 100 ESG Navigator users.
The Conference Board endorsed ESG Navigator because it is the best, most comprehensive ESG framework globally, providing a holistic view of ESG from the perspective of a corporate board or CEO.
Rating Criteria are available to all Registered Users; please log in or request login credentials.
Annual Updates
Annually (since 2015), we conduct a comprehensive review of the ESG Navigator rating criteria – to continually sharpen and simplify – yet retain the integrity for year-over-year comparisons. The updates include changes suggested by ESG Navigator users.; changes based on latest business news; and input from the ESG research team at The Conference Board.