ESG Navigator, LLC (both the ESG Navigator platform and its predecessor name – the Corporate Sustainability Scorecard) has been featured in a variety of articles and books over the years.
- 2021:
- “Navigating Sustainability Reporting Frameworks: A Practical Guide,” by Thomas Singer, The Conference Board
- 2020:
- “Boeing’s 737 Max problem is a symptom of another widespread illness plaguing Wall Street,” by Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch Opinion; March 27, 2020
- 2019:
- “Beware the 80/20 Governance Trap: Focus on the “G” in ESG — Lessons from the PG&E Bankruptcy Filing“ The Conference Board, May 1, 2019
- Blog: ESG Oversight Lessons from the PG&E Bankruptcy Filing: Where External ESG Ratings Fall Short – and Why
- Talk: “Corporate Governance: Measuring What Matters,” Gib Hedstrom, The Aspen Institute Business and Society Program, New York, NY, December 3, 2019
- Presentation: “CSO Priorities in 2019” – Suppliers Partnership for the Environment, April 2019
- 2015:
- 2021: