Example Pitch Decks

“Using ESG Navigator, we laid out a roadmap and took it to our Board. (We had previously been using our own scorecard for the annual update.) They were fascinated! This changed our planning process.”

Kathy Gerwig – Vice President – Kaiser Permanente (retired)

This section provides summary pitch decks many members have helped to shape – and have found to be incredibly helpful.


ESG Navigator: An Introduction

This deck provides a general introduction to the ESG Navigator Platform.


ESG Navigator KSI Structure (Are we Thinking about ESG Strategically?)

Click above for a short set of slides depicting

  • The current KSI structure
  • Individual slides for Governance; Strategy; Environment; and Social.

How Peer Companies Use ESG Navigator

Click here for a simple set of slides depicting how 10 of your peer companies have used ESG Navigator:

  • The typical pathway from first data entry to the C-Suite and board.
  • Examples of how 10 companies refined their initial scores and engaged senior executives.

C-Suite Pitch Deck

Click above for the latest version of the C-Suite Pitch Deck. Since 2018, many active members of ESG Navigator have downloaded powerful analytics from the website and crafted their own executive presentations. Many have shared these with the CEO and the board of directors. They have also share their presentations (confidentially) with our team.

Imagine these graphics – with your company data on your company templates. The graphics are simple to download.