Gold Plus Retainer

$2,500.00 for 1 year

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In calls with 25+ ESG Navigator members during August 2022, we heard:

  • ESG Navigator is incredibly robust and powerful.
  • ESG Navigator is extremely reasonably priced – very high value for the money.
  • Our team is not using the many ESG Navigator features to the full benefit. We miss many webinars.
  • Cutting a purchase order for a few thousand dollars is a royal pain.

To address these comments, we have added the GOLD PLUS RETAINER OPTION:

  • About 10-12 hours of consulting during the year.
  • Carries over to next year if not fully used

Typical approach using Gold Plus:

  1. Establish an annual game plan – Initial working session to review status; examine how other companies use ESG Navigator in the most powerful ways; explore options; and agree game plan for the coming 12 months.
  2. Review and react to your ESG Navigator scores – “It would be interested to have an external (confidential) sounding board as we debate and decide our ESG Navigator scores.” Join internal team call(s) to review the results of:
    • Your company self-assessment – Stage 1 è 4 ESG Navigator scores.
    • Your team’s selection of most important (“Highly Relevant”) topics/KSIs.
  3. Schedule quarterly calls with ESG team – Take stock; share best insights; illustrate key features; show highlights of company reports from past webinars. Monthly or quarterly calls set in advance.
  4. Join internal ESG Council meetings – “I presented some of ESG Navigator to our ESG Council at our quarterly meeting – but I was not as familiar with the platform as I would have liked. Even so, they liked what they saw and wanted to learn more.” Participate in meeting(s); answer questions, show highlights, share peer practices.
  5. Assist with your draft ESG presentation deck(s) – “Are we using the most compelling material and presenting it in the most compelling ways? I wonder how other companies have done this most successfully?”
    • Review and react to draft internal (e.g., C-Suite) presentations and board reports.
    • Share/suggest additional graphics to use
  6. Identify best practices – “Once we narrow down to our critical few most important ESG topics (KSIs), what companies are truly best-in-class on that specific topic?” Offer insight on best practices as you zero in on the top priority focus areas – especially about governance and strategy topics.

In all cases, we tailor our approach to your specific needs.